Qigong is a traditional Chinese health exercise made up of movements that connect with the acupuncture points and channels of the body. Qigong literally means 'energy work'. When these special movements are practised along with relaxation and breathing, then we have Qigong.
Practising Qigong helps us to relax and become more aware of our bodies. Over time, we begin to notice changes including being more flexible, and an increase in energy and stamina. This is because the Qi is working to heal any old illnesses or injuries and to open the channels so that the Qi can flow naturally, making us feel younger and more healthy.
There are many types and styles of Qigong. The style taught by the Tse Qigong Centre is called the Kunlun Dayan (Wild Goose) Qigong system.
The Kunlun Dayan Qigong system originated over 1800 years ago in the Kunlun Mountains, Tibet. Daoist monks lived in these mountains in retreat from ordinary society, hoping to cultivate longevity and enlightenment. Living so closely with nature allowed the monks to observe the creatures around them and how they survived in what was often a harsh and forbidding climate.
One of these creatures was the Dayan, literally 'Big Wild Goose'. These birds, also known as Bar Headed Geese, are quite extraordinary as they are able to fly at a very high altitude due to their ability to process oxygen in a unique way. They also live longer than other geese species.
When the monks began to imitate these beautiful, long life birds, they found many benefits. The fluttering released toxins from the body's channels while the swooping, bending and stretching movements stimulated the waist and kidneys, creating warmth and flexibility. Over time, as the skill expanded and developed, they found that it even developed their Sky Eye potential, helping to develop wisdom
The Kunlun Dayan Qigong system is available to us now because of an incredible lady; Grandmaster Yang Meijun who was the 27th generation inheritor of the skill. Though she was taught the skills by her Grandfather from the age of 13 years, she promised him that she would not teach until she reach 70 years. In fact, due to difficult times in China, Grand Master Yang Meijun did not start teaching until well after her 70th birthday. Grandmaster Yang Meijun, known throughout the world as one of the most famous Qigong masters, reached the age of 104 years before passing away in 2002.
One of Grand Master Yang Meijun's students was Master Michael Tse and with her blessing he brought the skill to the west.
In 1990, the Tse Qigong Centre was established in England and from that time, many people have benefitted from Master Tse's commitment to passing on this profound skill.