
In order for us to be truly healthy, we need to be able to listen to what is happening in our body.  

If we are able to really relax from the inside to the outside then we can be aware of problems before they become serious.  

This applies to all of us.  Athletes, office workers, old and young alike.  Learn to actively relax your whole body and learn to balance both sides of the body and be able to co-ordinate movements and you will automatically improve your health and fitness.

Sifu Vanessa Backus

Sifu Vanessa Backus is an authorised instructor of the Tse Qigong Centre and has been a student of Sifu Michael Tse since 1995.

The skill that we learn and teach through the Tse Qigong Centre is not just about health but also about Taoism and many other aspects of Chinese culture and history.

"Every day when I practice my Qigong and Chun Yuen Quan, I am happy that I came across my sifu, Master Michael Tse's class.  I am grateful to him for bringing this wonderful skill to this country (and to many other countries in the West) and grateful to his teachers Grandmaster Yang Meijun and Master Wu Chun Yuen for keeping these skills alive for us through many hardships"


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